The intricacies of mat surfing … in a nutshell

Graeme Webster


Watch the video and learn how Graeme got into riding and building surfmats and what it takes to surf them.


“I struggled to catch waves and then when I did, I kind of went sideways and felt terrible.”

Graeme Webster


“Because I'm stubborn, I didn't wanna be beaten by it and kept going.”

Graeme Webster


“The mat really took off all of a sudden, and I couldn't believe how fast it went and the glide. And that was that really. That was what kinda got me hooked.”

Graeme Webster

I have always been fascinated by people who create and build something with their hands. And I find them even more intriguing if they operate outside the standard envelope. Graeme Webster is, in my opinion, one of those people. About a decade ago, I decided to have a go at surfmat building to join the scarce group of surfmat builders. At that time, there was very little information about the unusual surf craft and its construction available. With incredible patience, endless tinkering and some help and mentoring from other surfmat builders, he managed to become a true master in his craft.

His surfmat creations a truly one of a kind and the most exquisite lightweight wave riding vehicles.

When I started working on FRINGESURFER.TV, filming Graeme building his mats was the first material I recorded. In the following years, I was lucky enough to meet him on several occasions where I was able to witness and document his rapidly progressing skills as a surfmat builder and rider. As luck would have it, riding with him on the last wave in his video portrait was also the last material I filmed for FRINGESURFER.TV Season 1.


“I think the job for people like me building mats is to provide for a small core of riders, the ones who wanna take it a bit further. Lightweight mats designed to fit the rider and the kind of grip that that person wants.”

— Graeme Webster


“If you go the wrong direction with a mat, then that's that. You’re starting again ‘cause it’s welded together and it's the wrong shape.”

— Graeme Webster

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Chief of British MatSurfers

Nobody has done as much as Graeme to promote and foster mat surfing in the UK. He initiated a dozen surfmat meetings, with the earliest taking place in October 2009, bringing a steady stream of new followers to the sport. And he brought the fantastic website to life that is one of the best resources for anyone interested in surfmats and everything connected to them.

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Purveyor of bespoke lightweight surfmats

Graeme is one of the very few people who build mats professionally. Actually, there are less than a handful of surfmat-builders in the world who sell quality handmade mats. He specialises in lightweight surfmats that fit the rider and provides a multitude of colour and grip options. Over almost one decade Graeme has refined his surfmat building making his creations some of the finest around. Check out his G-Mat Custom Surfmats.


“There is so much intricacy with mat riding.
… And there's so much control there and everything's so subtle.”

— Graeme Webster


“Somebody looking on might not even have a clue that you just had the best wave you had all year.”

— Graeme Webster


“If your main focus of interest is everybody else around you, then mat-surfing is probably not for you.”

— Graeme Webster


“My ultimate goal is to come out of the water feeling happier than I went in which is pretty much 100% guaranteed.”

— Graeme Webster